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Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop

Final Image Preview
color light effect Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
Stocks Used:
Open the file called "Roselyn Sanchez" and duplicate it. Contour image and apply a mask.
1 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
Create a new layer below the layer called "Background copy".
2 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
Select the "Gradient Tool", go to the "Radial Gradient" and select white as the center color and a light gray as the exterior color. Now fill the "Layer 1".
3 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
Go to the Layer called "Background copy" and desaturate the image.
4 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
Now go to: Image / Adjustments / Levels ( cmd+L (MAC), ctrl+L (PC)), and set the values as in the image.
5 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
Create a new Layer above all. Choose the "Gradient Tool" / "Radial Gradient" and select the white as the central color and the transparent as the exterior color.
6 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
And create small ray of light as in the image.
7 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
Now create a new Layer, set the "Blending Mode" from Normal to Color and again with the "Gradient Tool" repeat the previous step, but select a dark pink as the central color and the transparent as the exterior color.
8 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
9 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
Create a new Layer and do the same thing done before, but using the cyan as the central color.
10 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
On a new Layer now, with the "Pen Tool" create a kind of lattice following the girl's right arm.
11 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
12 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
Select the "Brush Tool" and choose a size not too big as in the image.
13 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
Now select white as foreground color. Go on the "Pen Tool", click with right button of mouse and go to Stroke Path… / Brush and click OK.
14 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
15 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
Double click on this Layer and set the values as in the image
16 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
17 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
Open the file "Smoke", select the interested part, copy and paste it into the previous file, (cmd+C, cmd+V (MAC), ctrl+C, ctrl+V (PC)), and set the "Blending Mode" from Normal to Screen.
18 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
Change the level by going to: Edit / Transform / Warp.
19 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
Bring the level below the Layer called "Background copy". Apply a mask and with the brush cover the excess, while the "Burn Tool" to darken the external part of the smoke as in the image.
20 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
Repeat the process as shown in the figure.
21 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
Add a new Layer and bring it above the level of smoke.
22 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
Go to "Brush Tool" and set the values as in the image, then create the stars.
23 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
24 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
Now open the file "Fluid Wave" and import it into the previous file. Transform it by going to: Edit / Transform / Warp.
25 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
Change the "Blending Mode" fro Normal to Screen.
26 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
Repeat the process, select both Layers and marge them into one Group (cmd+G (MAC), ctrl+G (PC)).
27 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
Create a new Layer and change the "Blending Mode" from Normal to Color.
28 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
Now with the "Brush Tool" and with the light blue as foreground color, fill the level as in the image.
29 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
Go to Filter / Blur / Gaussian Blur and set the Radius to 20,2 px.
30 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
Now change the Opacity from 100% to 75 %.
31 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
Add a new Layer and paste it above all Layers below (cmd+alt+shift+E (MAC), ctrl+alt+shift+E (PC)).
32 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
Change the colors by going to: Image / Adjustments / Color Balance ( cmd+B (MAC), ctrl+B (PC)).
Set the values as in the image:
33 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
Now apply a mask and with the "Brush Tool" cover the parts shown.
34 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
35 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
Create a new document with the following values: Width 500 px, Height 500 px, Resolution 72 px/inch and the Background Contents White.
36 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
Add new Layer
37 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
With the "Pen Tool" draw a line as in the image
38 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
Go to "Brush Tool" and select the brush size.
39 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
Now select black as foreground color. Go back on the "Pen Tool", click with right button of mouse and go to Stroke Path… / Brush and click OK.
40 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
Duplicate the level and flip it horizontally.
41 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
Now go to: Edit / Define Brush Preset… and press OK.
42 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
Return to the previous file, add a new Layer and select your personal brush.
43 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
Using white as the foreground color, create the shine as in the image.
44 Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop
The final result should be like this.
Final Result: A Gorgeous Light Effect
color light effect Create A Gorgeous Light Effect Using Photoshop

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