Social Icons

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Download status Facebook SAKAHAYANG v.1

Apa sih Status Facebook SAKAHAYANG itu ? Seperti namanya Status Facebook SAKAHAYANG, SAKAHAYANG yang artinya semaunya Karna aplikasi ini memuat baerbagai Status UNIK yang akan terus dayZ update. ini baru yang pertama, oh ia makasih kepada Naufal dengan Blognya yang telah memberikan tutor tentang Visual basic xD, akhirnya jadi ada di Bookmark xD.

Kembali ke Status Facebook SAKAHAYANG, di aplikasi kali ini baru ada Status via yang di antaranya :
-Apa aja boleh
-FB live
-Easy cash
-Linux mint
-Cyber Crime
-Smart Phone

Kenapa sih di tulis semua ? bae we meh panjang postinganna ahahh xD
yaudah langsung Download & tunggu V.2 dari Status Facebook SAKAHAYANG

eS eM eS Bomber

Sms bomber, you know ? sms Bomber adalah aplikasi untuk ngirim SMS ke nomor tertentu dengan jumlah yang BBBUUAAANNYYAAKKK.

Lumayan dah buat jailin temen, tapi kasian temennya kalo punya HaPe BS (Bengeut Sukro xD) soalnya kalo banyak banyak kaya nya HaPenya bisa Hang, ahahah itu sih Derita dia, hape hape dia ahahah.

Aplikasi ini bisa kirim SMS sebanyak yang kita mau,
tertarik untuk mencobanya ?
Silahkan download (via hape aja biar langsung sizenya cuma 8Kb kok)


Symbol On FB

1..cara pertama anda harus menekan tombol Alt + Fn..dan angka pada keybord...

Alt + 1 ☺
Alt + 2 ☻
Alt + 3 ♥
Alt + 4 ♦
Alt + 5 ♣
Alt + 6 ♠
Alt + 7 •
Alt + 8 ◘
Alt + 9 ○
Alt + 10 ◙
Alt + 11 ♂
Alt + 12 ♀
Alt + 13 ♪
Alt + 14 ♫
Alt + 15 ☼
Alt + 16 ►
Alt + 17 ◄
Alt + 18 ↕
Alt + 19 ‼
Alt + 20 ¶
Alt + 21 §
Alt + 22 ▬
Alt + 23 ↨
Alt + 24 ↑
Alt + 25 ↓
Alt + 26 →
Alt + 27 ←
Alt + 28 ∟
Alt + 29 ↔
Alt + 30 ▲
Alt + 31 ▼

2..NEW! Heart facebook symbols:

❤ ❥ ♡ ♥ ღ ɞ
Zodiac symbols for facebook

♈ – Aries (The Ram)
♉ – Taurus (The bull)
♊ – Gemini (The Twins)
♋ – Cancer (The Crab)
♌ – Leo (The Lion)
♍ – Virgo (The Virgin)
♎ – Libra (The Scales)
♏ – Scorpio (The Scorpion)
♐ – Sagittarius (Centaur The Archer)
♑ – Capricorn (Goat-horned, The sea goat)
♒ – Aquarius (The water bearer)
♓ – Pisces (The fish)

Apple symbol for facebook: Ѽ NEW (Update May 01-10)
Special face symbol Style 1: ㋡
Special face symbol Style 2: ㋛ NEW (Update April 29-10)
Chess black facebook symbols : ♚ ♛ ♜ ♝ ♞ ♟
Chess White Facebook Symbols: ♔ ♕ ♖ ♗ ♘ ♙
Crosses facebook symbols: ☩ ☨ ☦ ✙ ✚ ✛ ✜ ✝ ✞ ✠
Facebook Flowers Symbol: ❀ ✿ ❁ ✾
Facebook Butterfly Symbols:

Butterfly symbol 01: Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ
Butterfly symbol 02: ƸӜƷ
Butterfly style 03: εїз
Facebook Music Symbols: ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ ♭ ♮ ♯
Facebook Poker Symbols

Poker black: ♥ ♦ ♣ ♠
Poker White: ♡ ♢ ♤ ♧
Moon symbols ☾ ☽
Sun symbols: ☼ ☀
Cloud and umbrella ☁ ☂
Snowman: ☃
Comet: ☄
Stars facebook symbols

★ ✩ ✮ ✯ ✰ ☆ ⋆ ╰☆╮✡ ۞
Snowflake facebook symbols:

❇ ❈ ❅ ❄ ❆
Religion & belief facebook symbols

☯ ✡☨ ✞ ✝☥ ☦ ☧ ☩ ☪ ☫ ☬ ☭ - Peace symbols: ✌☮

Risk radioactive and biological: ☢ ☣
Check symbol for facebook ✓
Hands pointing: ☚ ☛ ☜ ☝ ☞ ☟
Writing Symbols: ✉ ✍ ✎ ✏ ✐✑✒ ⌨
Scissors symbols: ✂ ✄
Phones symbols: ☎ ☏ ✆
Clocks:⌛ ⌚
Airplane facebook symbol: ✈
Dinner: ♨ Skull symbol: ☠
Decorative symbols: ๑ ۩ ۞

Numeric facebook symbols: ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ ⑪⑫⑬⑭⑮⑯⑰⑱⑲⑳

Letters:ⒶⒷⒸⒹⒺⒻ ⒼⒽⒾⒿⓀⓁ ⓂⓃⓄⓅⓆⓇ ⓈⓉⓊⓋⓌⓍ ⓎⓏⓐⓑⓒⓓⓔⓕ ⓖⓗⓘⓙⓚⓛ ⓜⓝⓞⓟⓠⓡ ⓢⓣⓤⓥⓦⓧⓨⓩ
Oriental symbols: ㊊㊐㊋㊌㊍㊎㊏ ㊐㊑㊒㊓㊔㊕㊖㊗ ㊀㊁㊂㊃㊄㊅㊆ ㊇㊈㊉
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Other Cool Shapes
Group faces 1: ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(×̯×)۶
Group faces 2: ⊙▂⊙ .. ⊙0⊙ .. ⊙︿⊙ .. ⊙ω⊙ .. ⊙﹏⊙ .. ⊙△⊙
Group faces 3: ●▂● .. ●︿● .. ●ω● .. ●﹏● .. ●▽● .. ●△●
Face 1: ಠ_ಠ
Face 2: ಥ_ಥ
Face 3: ¯\(°_o)/¯
Face 4: ب_ب
Face 5: ◕ ‿ ◕
Face 6: m(><)m Face 7: o(╥﹏╥)o Face 8: //(ㄒoㄒ)// Face 9: {{{(>_<)}}} Princess Leia StarWars: @-_-@ .. @-.-@ .. @>.<@ Girls with flowers: ✿◕‿◕✿ ❀◕‿◕❀ ❁◕‿◕❁ ✾◕‿◕✾ Butterfly: Butterfly 01: εїз Butterfly facebook symbol: Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ Fish: Fish to right: ><((((º>
Fish to left: <º))))>< Music: Music Box: lıllı ((((|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|)))) ıllı Ipod: ╔═══╗ ♪ ║███║ ♫ ║ (●) ♫ ╚═══╝♪♪ Banner: …………(0 0) .—oOO– (_)—–. ╔═════════════════╗ ║ Type your message here!..║ ╚═════════════════╝ ‘———————-oOO ……..|__|__| ………. || || ……. ooO Ooo Decorate your signature *´¨) ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Type your name here Guns: Shotgun 01: ︻┳═一 Shotgun 02: ︻╦̵̵͇̿̿̿̿╤── (Update March 20-10) Gun Design 1 …..____________________ , ,__ ……/ `—___________—-_____] – - – - – - – - ░ ▒▓▓█D …../_==o;;;;;;;;_______.:/ …..), —.(_(__) / ….// (..) ), —-” …//___// ..//___// .//___// Gun Design 2 ….._\____________________,,__ …./ `–│││││││││———————-_] …/_==o ____________________ …..),—.(_(__) / ….// (\) ),—— …//___// ../`—-’ / … ./____ / … . Malibu Hotels: |̲̲̲͡͡͡ ̲▫̲͡ ̲̲̲͡͡π̲̲͡͡ ̲̲͡▫̲̲͡͡ ̲|̡̡̡ ̡ ̴̡ı̴̡̡ ̡͌l̡ ̴̡ı̴̴̡ ̡l̡*̡̡ ̴̡ı̴̴̡ ̡̡͡|̲̲̲͡͡͡ ̲▫̲͡ ̲̲̲͡͡π̲̲͡͡ ̲̲͡▫̲̲͡͡ | Kirby Dance <(‘o’<) ^( ‘-’ )^ (>‘o’)> v( ‘.’ )v <(‘ .’ )> <(‘.’<) ^( ‘.’ )^ (>‘.’)> v( ‘.’ )v <(‘ .’ )>

Regular cigaritte: (̅_̅_̅(̅(̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅̅()ڪ
Lucky strike cigaritte: (̅_̅_̅(̲̲̲̲̲̅̅̅̅̅̅(̅_̅_̲̲̲̅̅̅l̲̅u̲̅c̲̅k̲̅y̲̲̅̅̅_̅_ ̅_̅() ڪے
Marlboro cigaritte (̅_̅_̅(̲̲̲̲̲̅̅̅̅̅̅(̅_̅_̲̅м̲̅a̲̅я̲̅l̲̅b̲̅o̲̅r̲̅o̲̅̅ _̅_̅_̅() ڪے
Health cool shapes:

Injection: ┣▇▇▇═─

Electrocardiogram: √v^√v^√♥

Band Aid: ( ̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅ ̲̅]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅ )

Christmas tree:
…………*./ | \ .*
………, • ‘*♥* ‘ • ,
……. ‘*• ♫♫♫•*’
….. ‘ *, • ‘♫ ‘ • ,* ‘
….’ * • ♫*♥*♫• * ‘
… * , • Merry’ • , * ‘
…* ‘ •♫♫*♥*♫♫ • ‘ * ‘
‘ ‘ • Christmas . • ‘ ‘ ‘
‘ ‘ • ♫♫♫*♥*♫♫♫• * ‘ ‘

Rabbits and kittens made with facebook symbols: (Update Feb 26-10)

( ) ( )
(* .*)

::: (\_(\
*: (=’ :’) :*
•.. (,(”)(”)¤°.¸¸.•´¯`»

(. .)


o( )o

(>’.’<) (“)_(“) (> ” ” <) ( =’o'= ) -(,,)-(,,)- (> ” ” <) (> ” ” <) ( =’o'= ) ( =’o'= ) -(,,)-(,,)- (,,)-(,,)-… (> ” ” <) (> ” ” <) (> ” ” <) ( =’o'= ) ( =’o'= ) ( =’o'= ) -(,,)-(,,)- -(,,)-(,,)–(,,)-(,,)-…. •*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.• ::: (\_(\ …*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…* *: (=’ :’) :::::::: Facebook Symbols ::::::::::: •.. (,(”)(”)¤…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…* ¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸ Love shapes: Lovers holding hands made with facebook symbols: ../(,”)\♥ ♥(“.) …/♥\. = ./█\. .._| |_ .._| |_ ★ ============== ……….(¯`v´¯) ………..`•.¸.•´ ………(●̮̮̃•̃)..(●̮̮̃•̃) ……… /█\ ♥/█\ ============== I love you: ╔♫═╗╔╗ ♥ ╚╗╔╝║║♫═╦╦╦╔╗ ╔╝╚╗♫╚╣║║║║╔╣ ╚═♫╝╚═╩═╩♫╩═╝ ஜ۩۞۩ஜ YOU ஜ۩۞۩ஜ Keep your self updated with latest symbols Facebook Status Symbol or Design ► Decorative symbols: ๑ ۩ ۞ You can arrange and combine this three facebook symbols and design your own status style! ๑ + ۩ + ۞ + ۩ + ๑ = ๑۩۞۩๑ ๑۩۞۩๑ Type your status message!! ๑۩۞۩๑ ๑ + ۩ + ๑ = ๑۩๑ ๑۩๑ Type your status message!! ๑۩๑ For use, you must copy the style from here, and paste on your facebook status. After, type the text that you want inside: ► Others styles ▂ ▃ ▅ ▆ █ Type your status message █ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂ ★·.·´¯`·.·★ symbols for facebook ★·.·´¯`·.·★ ..♩.¸¸♬´¯`♬.¸¸¤ Type your status message here o ¤¸¸.♬´¯`♬¸¸.♩.. ¤♥¤Oº°‘¨☜♥☞¤ facebook symbols ¤☜♥☞¨‘°ºO¤♥¤ ♬ •♩ ·.·´¯`·.·♭•♪ Type your status message e ♪ •♭·.·´¯`·.·♩ •♬ »——(¯` Type your status message here ´¯)——» ¸.·’★¸.·’★*·~-.¸-(★ facebook symbols ★)-,.-~*¸.·’★¸.·’★ •(♥).•*´¨`*•♥•(★) Type your status message here (★)•♥•*´¨`*•.(♥)• O.o°<*)>>>= facebook symbols status =<<<(*>°o.O

<<..•.¸¸•´¯`•.¸¸¤Type your status message here ¤¸¸.•´¯`•¸¸.•..>>

신◈기◈今天◈(★) facebook symbols status (★)◈동방◈기◈天

-漫~*’¨¯¨’*·舞~ Type your status message o ~舞*’¨¯¨’*·~漫-

•☆.•*´¨`*••♥ Type your status message ♥••*´¨`*•.☆•

•♥•♥•♥•♥ ☜ symbols for facebook status ☞ ♥•♥•♥•♥•♥•

«-•·.·´¯`·.·•雪 facebook symbols 雪•·.·´¯`·.·•-»

╰☆╮¤°.¸¸.·´¯`»® Type your status message here ®«´¯`·.¸¸.°¤╰☆╮

♥ⓛⓞⓥⓔ♥☜ facebook symbols for your status ☞♥ⓛⓞⓥⓔ♥

●☆● ☆● ☆● ☆● Type your status message ●☆● ☆● ☆● ☆●

◢♂◣◥♀◤ facebook symbols status ◢♂◣◥♀◤

๑۞๑,¸¸,ø¤º°`°๑۩ Type your status message ۩๑ ,¸¸,ø¤º°`°๑۞๑

.•°¤*(¯`★´¯)*¤° facebook symbols for status °¤*(¯`★´¯)*¤°

..•.¸¸•´¯`•.¸¸.ஐ symbols for facebook status ஐ..•.¸¸•´¯`•.¸¸.

(¯`•.ゃ_ゃ.• Type your status message •.ゃ_ゃ.•´¯)

¸.•♥•.¸¸.•♥• facebook symbols •♥•.¸¸.•♥•.¸

ஐ¤*¨¨*¤¨°o.O( Type your status message )O.o°¤*¨¨*¤εïз

-~*’¨¯¨’*·~㊅ facebook symbols ㊅~*’¨¯¨’*·~-

☆,.-~*’¨¯¨’*·~-.¸-(★ facebook symbols ★)-,.-~*’¨¯¨’*·~-.¸☆

☜♥☞ º°”˜`”°º☜( Type your status message )☞ º°”˜`”°☜♥☞

(¯`’·.¸(♥)¸.·’´¯) symbols for facebook status (¯`’·.¸(♥)¸.·’´¯)

(¯`·._)♣ ♤ ♥♠(Type your status message here )♣ ♤ ♥♠(¯`·._)

((((¯♀’·.¸(★) Type your status message (★)¸.·’♂ ´¯))))

<º))))><.•´¯`•.( Type your status message )¸.•´¯`•.¸><((((º>

- -¤–^]( symbols for facebook )[^--¤- -

~²ººº~( )~²ººº~

._|.<(+_+)>.|_.( Your message with facebook symbols )._|.<(+_+)>.|_.

• ••^v´¯`×)(Type your status message here )(×´¯`v^•• •

,.-~*'¨¯¨'*•~-.¸-(_( facebook symbols for you )_)-,.-~*'¨¯¨'*•~-.¸

- - --^[( Type your status message here )]^– – -

••.•´¯`•.••( symbols for facebook ) ••.•´¯`•.••

`•.¸¸.•´´¯`••._.•( Type your status message here )•.¸¸.•´´¯`••._.•

(¯`•._)( symbols for facebook status )(¯`•._)

¯¨’*•~-.¸¸,.-~*’( Type your status message )¯¨’*•~-.¸¸,.-~*’

(¯`•._.•[( Type your status message here )]•._.•´¯)

¨°o.O( symbols for facebook )O.o°

×÷•.•´¯`•)»( Type your status message )«(•´¯`•.•÷×

Oº°‘¨( symbols for facebook status )¨‘°ºO

׺°”˜`”°º×( facebook symbols )׺°”˜`”°º×

.•´¯`•->( Type your status message here )<-•´¯`•. .. |..<(+_( )_+>..|..

-•=»‡«=•-( Type your status message heres )-•=»‡«=•-

•°o.O( symbols for facebook status )O.o°•

––––•(-•( Symbols )•-)•––––

(¯`•¸•´¯)(Type your status message here )(¯`•¸•´¯)

••¤(`×[¤( Type your status message )¤]×´)¤••

»-(¯`v´¯)-»( facebook symbols for status )»-(¯`v´¯)-»

°l||l°( )°l||l°

•°¤*(¯`°(☺)(( your status message with facebook symbols ))(☺)°´¯)*¤°•

—¤÷(`[¤*( Symbols for facebook )*¤]´)÷¤—

¸.´)(`•[( Type your status message here )]•´)(` .¸

•÷±‡±( Type your status message )±‡±÷

+*¨^¨*+( )+*¨^¨*+

—(••÷[( Type your facebook symbols )]÷••)—

•ï¡÷¡ï•( Type your status message )•ï¡÷¡ï•

•!¦[•( )•]¦!•

°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸( Type your status message here )°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸

,-*’^'~*-.,_,.-*~ facebook symbols ~*-.,_,.-*~’^'*-,

.•¯(_.•¯(_.•¯(_ )¯`•._)¯`•._)¯`•.

©º°°º©©º°°º© Type your status message here ©º°°º©©º°°º©

||¯|_|¯|_( Facebook Symbols for status )_|¯|_|¯||

Just copy the symbol you want and past it in your page [via]